
Essay on parashat emor

Center for Jewish Leadership and Ideas Parashat Emor (Leviticus 21:1-24:23) - Nisan 5774 Covenantal Joy: What Sukkot Can Teach Us Rabbi Shai Held The Torah insistently connects the festival of Sukkot with the obligation to rejoice, and later Jewish tradition calls Sukkot z'man simhateinu, the time of our joy. Studying the Essays of R. Aharon Lichtenstein - Rayanot Yaakov

Covenantal Joy: What Sukkot Can Teach Us - academia.edu Center for Jewish Leadership and Ideas Parashat Emor (Leviticus 21:1-24:23) - Nisan 5774 Covenantal Joy: What Sukkot Can Teach Us Rabbi Shai Held The Torah insistently connects the festival of Sukkot with the obligation to rejoice, and later Jewish tradition calls Sukkot z'man simhateinu, the time of our joy. Studying the Essays of R. Aharon Lichtenstein - Rayanot Yaakov The links to R. Aharon's essays below will be followed by the individual study units that the essay has generated. The educational units below have been publicized on Bar Ilan University's Lookstein Center for Jewish Education's Lookjed listserve. The essay that accompanied the announcement of these units can be read by clicking here. Weekly Parsha: Emor | Jewish Journal In Parashat Emor, (Leviticus 24:2), we read that Moses commands the Israelites to bring olive oil for the ner tamid, the eternal flame, in the Temple. The ner tamid was not lit once and left alone ... S.A.L.T. - Parashat Emor | vbm haretzion - etzion.org.il

Hadar is an educational institution that empowers Jews to create and sustain vibrant, practicing, egalitarian communities of Torah learning, prayer, and service.

This is an English translation of Leviticus 21:1-24:23, the Torah reading for Parashat Emor, transtropilized. (Transtropilation is the term coined by Len Fellman to describe the process of translating from cantillized Hebrew, as closely as possible, "word for word and trōp for trōp", with the main purpose being to aid a person with minimal Hebrew training in following the Hebrew leyning ... Torah Parashah Notes: To Soar With Angels: Emor From mythological stories of winged creatures, through ancient tales of people creating wings for themselves, to magical beings that can soar on bed knobs, broomsticks or umbrellas, all the way to our own day of jets and space stations—we have imagined what it must be like to fly. PDF Versions of Shabbat - ou.org


This is the golden age of the parashat ha-shavua (weekly Torah portion) commentary. Once treated as ephemera, Torah commentaries are increasingly being published, studied, and returned to again and again. Important rabbis and scholars have written substantive, sophisticated essays. These, in turn ... Rabbi Nosson Weisz | Points to Ponder On Following excerpts from Weekly Torah Portion "Mind over Matter" by Rabbi Nosson Weisz, of Aish Jerusalem, concerning the Parsha Emor.. The period between the first day of Passover and Shavuot, a chunk of time totaling seven weeks, precisely 49 days, is known as the days of the Omer. Parsha Pondering: May 2012 The end of parshas Emor reports the episode of the mekalel - the one who publicly blasphemes Hashem. The episode is introduced with the word vayetze - and he went out. Wondering about the mekalel's original location, Rashi ponders where the mekalel has gone out from. Kids Torah Portions- Youth Center Kids Learning is our center not just for the young, but also for those looking for an easier read. Our center includes Torah Portions specifically made to be interesting and simple to understand.

Parashat Emor: Summary | My Jewish Learning

Parashat HaShuavua Resources - The Lookstein center Worksheets for the weekly Torah portion or Parashat Hashavua are available below. The "Shabbat Shalom" series by Moshe Abelesz tests elementary students' parashat hashavua comprehension. Students identify textual references (in Hebrew) and answer a discussion question that often makes use of traditional commentaries. Blog - Temple De Hirsch Sinai. This week's Torah portion, Chukat (Numbers 19:1-22:1), describes a most curious incident. When commanded to "speak to the rock" in order to produce water for the Israelites to drink, Moses instead hit the rock with his staff. Jewish Statehood (III) • Torah.org I SEFIRAT HA'OMER In an earlier shiur (which will be included in my forthcoming volume, Between The Lines of the Bible, volume 3), we discussed the implication of the Omer's worth of barley which is offered on the second day of Hag haMatzot {"Pesach") and the association it creates with the experience of the Mahn […]

Weekly Parsha Torah | Parsha Book Store

Emor: Words for the Next Generation | ReformJudaism.org Have the kohanim followed this Emor instruction to pass these teachings on to the following generations? The laws dealing with sacrifices, of course, have become moot with the Temple destroyed, though by reading the Torah portion every year it appears we are all keeping the teaching alive. Emor Speech Ideas - Bar Mitzvah Speeches Please select your Torah portion from this list for more resources, including themes and lessons to enhance your Bar Mitzvah speech. Lessons from your Torah portion explained in plain English and applied to real life, plus thoughtful questions and suggestions to get you started on your speech ... Coloring Pages - aish.com Articles on the weekly Torah portion, parsha, from beginner to advanced levels. Divrei Torah, inspiration, ethics and stories for all ages.

In Sivan Rahav-Meir's first essay for Parashat Emor, "Enlighten Your Students!" (#Parasha: Weekly Insights for a Leading Israeli Journalist, trans. Chava Wilschanski, Menorah Books, Jerusalem, 2017, p. 181-2), she cites the Parashat HaShavua's initial verse's two forms of the identical verb directed at Moshe by HaShem, along with RaShI's commentary: VaYikra 21:1 And the LORD… Explorations: Audio and Essays Parashat Emor Parashat Emor 5775 Teach Your Children; Audio and Essays Parashat Emor; HaRav Aharon Lichtenstein ZT"L; Parshiot Aharei Mot and Kedoshim 5775 A Nation of ... Parshiot Acharei Mot/Kedoshim audio and essays; Parashiot Tazria 5775 and Metzora FreeBird; Parashat Shmini 5775 You Are What You Eat; Audio and Essays Parashiot Tazria and Metzora: